
The Art of Memories

One of my earliest memories of my grandpa is with a camera in his hands. He captured all of our family, neighbors, and friends throughout my childhood because he understood the importance of documenting the ordinary. These videos remind me where I come from. He froze moments in time and it’s such a gift to see and hear the spirit of those that are no longer with us. Plus there’s an added bonus of all the resurfacing sights, smells, tastes, and emotions! I want to continue documenting our family the way he did.

As an avid box checker, I plan to focus on being a collector of memories. As cheeky as that sounds, its quite liberating to make a new bucket list and practice the art of memory-making.

Personally, I believe there’s something about physical photo albums and VHS tapes. They trigger your senses and emotions in an indescribable way. Facebook albums and Instagram posts just don’t cut it for me. They kind of just disappear into the digital abyss. All of the editing, filters, and trying to get the perfect shot alters reality too. I’m 1000% guilty myself, but my goal is to shoot more polaroids or physical photos, try to journal every day, and literally leave my video camera on a tripod every now and then to capture a regular normal ass day.

I’m strolling down memory lane because time flew by and that little girl above is now 30.

I feel incredibly grateful but slightly overwhelmed by all the things I thought I would have done by now. So many things come to mind like…Did I do enough? I didn’t buy a house yet. California is expensive as fuck! I still gotta pop out a baby. Adulting is a lot. My artistry has come a long way, but am I where I should be? I can go on and on. That’s a story for another day!

In true Virgo fashion, here’s all the gear I plan to carry around for journaling, memory-making, and cherishing my adventures.

Brittney Lewis

tRAVELING Artist + Outdoor Enthusiast

ByBrijé is where I share weekend travel guides, trip inspiration and my creative endeavors. I’m currently wandering along the west coast painting colorful landscapes. Come along as I share the magic of the outdoors.

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