Murphy’s Ranch Trail
Yes, there’s an abandoned Nazi camp in the middle of the Pacific Palisades. Unfortunately, this site is set to be demolished.

Located in Rustic Canyon and built in the 1930s, this ranch was originally built as a base for Nazi activities. The ranch features a water storage tank, a bomb shelter, a power house, and various bunkers. Today, the compound is completely abandoned and is covered in graffiti. The city of Los Angeles owns the estate and portions have been demolished and sealed shut. The hike wasn’t so bad, but those stairs can be quite the challenge. They drop 250 feet of elevation in only one hundred yards. All in all, you get some breathtaking views of the canyon and a little touch of history. Read more about the history here.

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Brittney Lewis
tRAVELING Artist + Outdoor Enthusiast
ByBrijé is where I share weekend travel guides, trip inspiration and my creative endeavors. I’m currently wandering along the west coast painting colorful landscapes. Come along as I share the magic of the outdoors.
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